Saturday, 5 June 2010

4 June 2010 - Clive and Daphne in Parcent

Now that the walking season is over, its visitor season. Jan’s brother Clive and his wife Daphne came for their second visit to Parcent

On the first day of their visit we walked into Parcent to collect the post . The one room “post office” is only open for one hour each day for collection of mail.

We then walked up to the village square, where Clive discovered the water fountain, but could not then switch it off!

We were surprised to find the church door open. The priest was just locking up, but as we approached he asked us if we would like to look inside

We have lived in Parcent for four years, and this is the first time we have had an opportunity to look around the church.

It must have taken all of ten minutes to explore the village, and we found ourselves at the Cooperativa, where we had a welcome break with a cup of Coffee con Letche before climbing up the hill back to the house.

We were very surprised to find we had an unexpected visitor – a snake. We have seen quite a few during our walks around the area, but never before in the front garden.

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